Trap / Neuter / Release - (or Trap / Spay / Release)
TNR is a program intended for feral (unowned, or otherwise ‘wild’) cats living in our community with a regular caregiver.
This program is at no cost to the caregiver or organization willing to help. The following are the parameters of the program:
All set traps will be monitored by the caregiver, while set and immediately covered with a towel or blanket when a cat is trapped. Any cat with a tipped left ear will be immediately released.
Trapped cats may only be transported in an enclosed vehicle and the trap must be covered 'With a towel or other fabric. This is to help prevent the cat from panicking and injuring itself.
Cats will not be trapped more than 24 hours before the altering date and time set by the veterinary clinic. Cats will be kept in a secure, dry and enclosed building away from human or animal harassment until being transported to the veterinary clinic.
Trapped cats will be delivered to the veterinary clinic at the time and date given to the caregiver for altering. All trapped cats MUST be in a cat trap with no bowls or litterboxes. Any cat in a kennel or not in an approved trap will not be altered. This is for the protection of the veterinary staff and to prevent stressing the cat.
All cats or kittens over 2 (two) pounds will have their left ear tipped at time of altering.
Cats will be held in a secure, dry and enclosed building until fully recovered. All cats will be released to the location of trapping within 24 hours of altering.
Ketchikan Humane Society will pay for altering, a rabies vaccination, one Capstar or like product (for flea control) and any necessary wound care while at the veterinary clinic.